Intelligent stängselsystem för nötdjur vann innovationspris

FarmGuard, ett system som underlättar för lantbrukare att inspektera och underhålla stängsel för nötdjur är det vinnande bidraget i SLU Skara och Sparbanken Skaraborgs innovationspris 2023.

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Time to nominate the next Bertebos Prize laureate

KSLA has the privilege of inviting prominent people and organizations to nominate candidates for the Bertebos Prize 2024. The Prize consists of SEK 400,000

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Lyft för SLU i internationell hållbarhetsranking av lärosäten

SLU lyfter sig och är nu bland de 201-300 främsta bland 1591 universitet och lärosäten som utvärderas i The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023. För mål 2 – ingen hunger – hamnar SLU på plats 13.

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Lena Lidfors. Photo: Vanja Sandgren/SLU

Social service dog activities increases the quality of life

Lena Lidfors is Professor of Ethology at the Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Skara. In recent years, her interest has also turned to the interaction between animals and humans, resulting in a report on social service dogs in schools, health and social care.

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VentureLab@SLU - a new beginning

Charles van de Kerkhof has taken over the management of VentureLab@SLU. His ambition is to pass on his enthusiasm to students for “entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable life”.

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Various solutions for sustainable food production

Annie Drottberger is an enterprising doctoral student and teacher who is extremely passionate about utilizing research. At the Department of Biosystems and Technology at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) in Alnarp she is researching into how businesses in the horticultural industry specialising in vegetable growing absorb knowledge and innovations. In the long term it is about working together on various solutions in order to attain sustainable food production.

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With a vision to revolutionise forestry

AirForestry is the company with the vision to make forestry sustainable. AirForestry’s ground-breaking technology allows forests to be thinned from the air. This helps to preserve many of the forest’s values while solving some of the sustainability challenges that exist today.

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SLU Alnarp and Sparbanken Skåne Innovation Award 2023

Are you a Researcher, Student or Employee at SLU Alnarp and have an idea for a new product, service or method that can contribute to a more sustainable industry or society? Apply for the Innovation Award!

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A tasty degree project

Linn Tsang dreams of starting a company offering Swedish vegan ice cream made with protein from sweet lupin. She learned to extract protein during her degree project at SLU.

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Award winning idea keep track of saplings

Researcher and entrepreneur Jonas Bohlin likes honing his own ideas and trying them out in various exciting projects. With the innovation TreePlanterXY he combines new technology with old methods, to meet the demand for information in the field of forestry.

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Arne Fjälling. Foto: Tommy Harnesk/Ny Teknik

Transmoro – safe fishway creates more electricity production

Arne Fjälling is a researcher and innovator whose biggest interest in life is fish and their behaviour. For ten years he has been working on finding a solution that allows fish to pass hydroelectric power plants without any risk. The technical solution is a closed bidirectional Archimedes screw.

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Growing strong

Alnarp Agroecology Farm is the story of four committed master´s students at SLU who started a small-scale farming business. Their purpose was to create a space where theory and practice would meet. The farm has become a vital educational tool and research facility and has also brought together members of the local community.

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Scam-free scampi!

Pär Svärdson, the entrepreneur who founded both Adlibris and Apotea, is investing in a sustainable fish-farming technology resulting from research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The first large-scale Swedish cultivation is being established at Östersjöfabriken in Västervik.

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SLU Holding AB investerar i Greensway Digital AB

Better eco-value assessments – SLU Holding invests in Greensway Digital

Greensway Digital AB has developed a digital solution for assessment of forests’ eco-value. The solution provides precise and user-friendly decision-making support ahead of sivicultural measures in the field of certified forestry.

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Flipday 13 oktober

Vilken start up har den mest spännande affärsidén? Välkommen till eventet där du är med och avgör vilka som får finansiering.

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Innovations Alnarp 2022

Resilient potato wins SLU Alnarp’s and Sparbanken Skåne’s Innovation Prize 2022

The researchers behind the winning project have developed a way of improving the quality of potatoes that fundamentally improves potato cultivation’s economic and ecological sustainability.

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IVA:s 100-lista 2022

Four innovative research projects from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) included in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences’ (IVA) 100 List

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) is now presenting this year's 100 List of research projects judged to have great potential for benefit through commercialisation, business development, method development or community impact. The focus of this year's 100 List is technology in the service of humanity.

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Havredals launches plant-based premium burger

Havredals launches plant-based premium burger and shapeable mince for hotels and restaurants

Havredals broadens its range, and launches plant-based mince and burgers, developed and produced in Sweden from plant protein and crops from Sweden and northern Europe.

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SLU-forskare bakom nytt kvarkavaccin

A more effective vaccine against equine strangles is now being launched

The vaccine is based on many years of research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Karolinska Institutet.

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Grundarna av Ecotype

New capital lends momentum to Ecotype's forest innovation

SLU alumni Axel Ljudén and Albin Nyström will be receiving SEK 8 million for their startup Ecotype. Ecotype creates new solutions for forestry using various types of data and advanced algorithms. The aim is to make forestry easier, more efficient and more user-friendly for forest owners.

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Congratulations Annika!

SLU Holding´s board member  Annika Bergman is awarded 2022 SLU Alumna of the year.

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Rosario Garcia Gil. Foto: Andreas Palmén

Vertical greening with the ability to absorb water from heavy rainfall

An interest in flora and fauna has taken Rosario Garcia Gil from Spain, to Finland, and subsequently to Umeå, where she works as a researcher in forest genetics. Over the course of 2021, her work and unique solution for vertical greening has garnered critical acclaim and awards. “As a researcher it provides a fantastic opportunity to participate and contribute to social development,” says Rosario.

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Agneta Oskarsson and Johan Lundqvist, founders BioCell Analytica

Measurable cocktail effect with new method

Although BioCell Analytica was established in 2019, founders Agneta Oskarsson and Johan Lundqvist have worked together for much longer. With their diverse skill sets and keen interest in further research, they have developed a new, unique method that is capable of both detecting chemical pollutants in the environment and measuring the effects of known and harmful substances.

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Green Innovation Park Alnarp. Foto: Mårten Svensson

Green Innovation Park - focus on development of sustainable services and products

The old machine hall in the heart of the Alnarp campus has been given a new role. Sleeping Beauty has been awoken, with the establishment of a new hub for collaboration between researchers, students and business, emphasising development of sustainable services and products.

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