Agneta Oskarsson och Johan Lundqvist, grundare BioCell Analytica

A new analysis technique for detecting health and environmentally-hazardous impurities in water - SLU Holding invests in BioCell Analytica

A new, unique measuring method from Sweden’s University of Agricultural Sciences has the capacity to both detect chemical impurities in the environment and measure the effects of known and health-hazardous substances. SLU has been following its work from the beginning and is now investing in the company BioCell Analytica AB, which aims to bring the method to a wider market.

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Glada pristagare. Mats Söderström, forskare på SLU med övriga deltagare i projektet ”Target Y – Skördekartor för alla” fick ta emot SLU Skara och Sparbanken Skaraborgs Innovationspriset 2021 och Erik Öhlund och projektet ”Goati – tillsyn och hälsoanalys av betande djur” mottog SLU Skara och Sparbanken Skaraborgs Tillväxtpriset 2021. Foto: Anna-Karin Johnson

And the winner is...

‘Target Y - Harvest maps for all’ is the name of the winning entry in SLU Skara and Sparbanken Skaraborg’s first innovation award.

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Maria del Rosario García Gil - vinnare av SKAPAs innovationspris i Västerbotten.

SLU researcher wins innovation prize

This year’s winner of the SKAPA prize in Västerbotten county is Rosario García Gil, who has developed the vertical cultivation module Vertisá.

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SLU Holding investerar i Videquus. Foto:Stockphoto

An intelligent monitoring system for horses - SLU Holding invests in Videquus AB

Videquus provides security for horse owners. The company has developed a system that, with the help of a security camera, image recognition and AI, can learn to recognise a specific horse, automatically activating an alarm upon detection of a change in the horse’s health condition or abnormal behaviour. SLU Holding AB is now coming on board as co-owner of the company.

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Sarosh Ramachandra. Photo: Patrik Söderberg

Eko Grönovation – a growing business

Sarosh Ramachandra Bejai has carried out research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and is the entrepreneur behind the company Eko Grönovation, which fills parts of Kungsängens Gård in Uppsala with fragrant herbs and medicinal plants in a proprietary hydroponic farming facility.

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Lina Strömstedt, Foto: Göran Ekeberg.

Meet Lina - Innovative researcher and new business advisor at SLU Holding

Lina Strömstedt, researcher and PhD in molecular geneticist in poultry genetics at SLU – is looking forward to her new job as a business developer at SLU Holding. Brilliant research at SLU and the potential in the field serve both as her inspiration and lodestar.

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Anders Kiessling. Photo: Linn Bergbrant

Entrepreneurship in aquaculture – no fishy business

As a researcher, Anders Kiessling, Professor of Aquaculture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), wishes to be influential and to contribute solutions to the challenges we are facing. Getting sustainable food production going in a cycle whereby unresolved problems are not passed on to the next generation is at the top of his list.

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Four research projects from SLU on the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences’ (IVA) 100 List for sustainable crisis preparedness

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences is now presenting this year's 100 List. The selected research projects from Swedish universities and institutes of higher education are all considered to have great potential for bringing actual benefit. The emphasis is on preparedness for crises and society's ability to deal with them. Four of the 51 research projects are from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

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SciIns vinnare av Bona Postulata-priset 2021, Foto: Göran Ekeberg/Addlight

SLU company wins the Bona Postulata Prize 2021

SciIns AB, which was started by the SLU researchers Åsa Berggren and Anna Jansson, is one of this year's winners of the Bona Postulata innovation prize.

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 Mariette Andersson and her colleagues are world leaders in their area of research. Since 2014, the research group has successfully developed the new Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR technology into a powerful tool for plant breeding. Photo: Mårten Svensson

World-leading research in plant breeding made accessible in new company

Mariette Andersson and her colleagues are world leaders in their area of research. Since 2014, the research group has successfully developed the new Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR technology into a powerful tool for plant breeding. Mariette, who is also CEO of the newly started company SolEdits AB, hopes that more people will now have access to the new efficient technology. SLU Holding has invested in the company, which it believes can contribute to a revolutionary transformation of future plant breeding.

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Bättre djurvälfärd med ny digital mätteknik

Better animal welfare with new digital measurement technology

For SLU researchers Marie Rhodin and Elin Hernlund, the aim is to expand their world-leading research group in orthopedics and biomechanics and create more digital tools that reach out to society. Research and technology are already in place to develop the first digital tool and start a commercial collaboration. A development phase where the collaboration with SLU Holding is important, provides security and sends an important signal according to the two researchers.

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Helen Thompson skapar nya växtbaserade livsmedel.

[frömage] - Locally grown ingredients in a new and nutritious plant-based food

For Helen Thompson, it is not just more nutritious plant-based products on store shelves that is the driving force. Equally important is working on a small scale, collaborating with locally grown ingredients. A realisation that came to her suddenly in the middle of the South American jungle and which took her to SLU and a new and abrupt turn in her professional life.

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With the new digital measuring tool, horse owners can film their horses themselves in order to be able to early detect and measure lameness.

Hope for lame horses - SLU Holding invests in Sleip AI

A new digital measuring tool makes it possible to detect lameness in horses earlier and implement the right measures more quickly. SLU Holding AB invests in Sleip AI AB and the company's work to develop new digital solutions for better animal health.

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SLU Skara and Sparbanken Skaraborgs Innovation Award 2021

Have you, or someone you cooperate with, taken part in a research project together with SLU i Skara? If so it might be worth your while to continue reading these lines. SLU Skara and Sparbanken Skaraborg hereby announces an Innovation Award for sustainable research projects aiming to benefit the green sector or the society at large.

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Covid 19-vaccine, Foto:

Novavax creates a Covid 19 vaccine with knowledge from SLU

The American pharmaceutical company Novavax announces that their new vaccine has an 89% protective effect against covid-19. Phase 3 studies show that it also has a very good effect against the British variant of the virus. The vaccine includes adjuvants that have been developed from researched at SLU. The next step is the review for approval in the EU.

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SLU Holding invests in SolEdits.

Better potatoes and less use of pesticides - SLU Holding invests in SolEdits

At SolEdits AB, the business idea is to improve the properties of commercially interesting potato varieties. Behind the newly started company are researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), SLU Holding AB and Sveriges Stärkelseproducenter, an association of Swedish starch producers.

SolEdits is now investing in making the CRISPR genetic scissors available as a plant breeding tool for all stakeholders in the potato industry.

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Plocka är årets Game Changer. Foto: Venture Cup

SLU students win Game changer of the year award

Axel Ljudén and Albin Nyström's app Plocka are the winners of Venture Cup business idea competition.

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Möt Lena Söderström, SLU Holdings nya ordförande

Meet Lena Söderström, the new Chairman of SLU Holding

With extensive experience from leading positions in life science and a burning interest in sustainable innovations, Lena Söderström now leads SLU Holding's Board.

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Charlotte Emlind Vahul, Innovation advisor, Chalmers Innovationskontor. Photo: Johan Bodell

New ways of applying research

The IMP project focuses on creating the  best conditions for knowledge and results that are created at Swedish universities to have an impact in society. The aim is to give researchers different opportunities for applying their research. Sixteen universities, SISP and PRV are participating in the project.

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Guillermo Rehermann in th lab. Foto: SLU, Annamia Olvmyr

Flying agents - Award-winning researchers use hoverflies in new smart method

It is the harmless black and yellow-striped hoverfly that is the focus of Paul Becher and Guillermo Rehermann's research. They see a new and expanded role for the hoverfly to solve three major challenges in crop production. Their discovery won them first prize when SLU Alnarp and Sparbanken Skåne's Innovation Prize was awarded this year for the first time.

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Axel Ljudén och Albin Nyström skapare av svampappen Plocka. Foto: Venture Cup Nord

Gathering berries and mushrooms with award-winning app

Axel Ljudén and Albin Nyström are studying to become certified foresters and are this year’s winners in Venture Cup Nord’s regional finals. In the autumn, the award-winning business concept will continue to compete in the autumn national finals, but the beta version of their new app has already undergone beta testing this summer with the help of validation funds from SLU Holding.

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New method can detect cancer before symptoms occur – SLU Holding invests in Alertix Veterinary Diagnostics

SLU Holding AB is a partner in Alertix Veterinary Diagnostics AB, which is developing a rapid test for the early detection of cancers in dogs, cats and horses. ALMI Invest and private business angels are also involved in the share issue.

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ThermoSeed – Innovative seed-treatment technology from SLU established in Switzerland

ThermoSeed Global AB, a company in which Lantmännen is the principal owner, can now look forward to long-term collaboration with the Swiss agricultural cooperative Fenaco. After evaluation and following development of the ThermoSeed process in several countries, Fenaco has purchased a seed-treatment machine.

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Christina Kusoffsky Hillesöy, Göran Lundwall och Birgitta Wikmark Carlsson – nya styrelseledamöter i SLU Holding

Christina Kusoffsky Hillesöy, Göran Lundwall and Birgitta Wikmark Carlsson – new board members for SLU Holding

SLU Holding is now broadening its expertise on the Board of Directors with three new members, Christina Kusoffsky Hillesöy, Göran Lundwall and Birgitta Wikmark Carlsson. With broad experience from business, fund management and academia, all three are exciting additions to the board.

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