Intelligent stängselsystem för nötdjur vann innovationspris

FarmGuard, ett system som underlättar för lantbrukare att inspektera och underhålla stängsel för nötdjur är det vinnande bidraget i SLU Skara och Sparbanken Skaraborgs innovationspris 2023.

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Time to nominate the next Bertebos Prize laureate

KSLA has the privilege of inviting prominent people and organizations to nominate candidates for the Bertebos Prize 2024. The Prize consists of SEK 400,000

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Lyft för SLU i internationell hållbarhetsranking av lärosäten

SLU lyfter sig och är nu bland de 201-300 främsta bland 1591 universitet och lärosäten som utvärderas i The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023. För mål 2 – ingen hunger – hamnar SLU på plats 13.

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SLU Skara and Sparbanken Skaraborgs Innovation Award 2021

Have you, or someone you cooperate with, taken part in a research project together with SLU i Skara? If so it might be worth your while to continue reading these lines. SLU Skara and Sparbanken Skaraborg hereby announces an Innovation Award for sustainable research projects aiming to benefit the green sector or the society at large.

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Agneta Oskarsson och Johan Lundqvist, grundare BioCell Analytica

A new analysis technique for detecting health and environmentally-hazardous impurities in water - SLU Holding invests in BioCell Analytica

A new, unique measuring method from Sweden’s University of Agricultural Sciences has the capacity to both detect chemical impurities in the environment and measure the effects of known and health-hazardous substances. SLU has been following its work from the beginning and is now investing in the company BioCell Analytica AB, which aims to bring the method to a wider market.

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With the new digital measuring tool, horse owners can film their horses themselves in order to be able to early detect and measure lameness.

Hope for lame horses - SLU Holding invests in Sleip AI

A new digital measuring tool makes it possible to detect lameness in horses earlier and implement the right measures more quickly. SLU Holding AB invests in Sleip AI AB and the company's work to develop new digital solutions for better animal health.

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Lena Lidfors. Photo: Vanja Sandgren/SLU

Social service dog activities increases the quality of life

Lena Lidfors is Professor of Ethology at the Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Skara. In recent years, her interest has also turned to the interaction between animals and humans, resulting in a report on social service dogs in schools, health and social care.

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Bättre djurvälfärd med ny digital mätteknik

Better animal welfare with new digital measurement technology

For SLU researchers Marie Rhodin and Elin Hernlund, the aim is to expand their world-leading research group in orthopedics and biomechanics and create more digital tools that reach out to society. Research and technology are already in place to develop the first digital tool and start a commercial collaboration. A development phase where the collaboration with SLU Holding is important, provides security and sends an important signal according to the two researchers.

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 Mariette Andersson and her colleagues are world leaders in their area of research. Since 2014, the research group has successfully developed the new Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR technology into a powerful tool for plant breeding. Photo: Mårten Svensson

World-leading research in plant breeding made accessible in new company

Mariette Andersson and her colleagues are world leaders in their area of research. Since 2014, the research group has successfully developed the new Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR technology into a powerful tool for plant breeding. Mariette, who is also CEO of the newly started company SolEdits AB, hopes that more people will now have access to the new efficient technology. SLU Holding has invested in the company, which it believes can contribute to a revolutionary transformation of future plant breeding.

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Helen Thompson skapar nya växtbaserade livsmedel.

[frömage] - Locally grown ingredients in a new and nutritious plant-based food

For Helen Thompson, it is not just more nutritious plant-based products on store shelves that is the driving force. Equally important is working on a small scale, collaborating with locally grown ingredients. A realisation that came to her suddenly in the middle of the South American jungle and which took her to SLU and a new and abrupt turn in her professional life.

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VentureLab@SLU - a new beginning

Charles van de Kerkhof has taken over the management of VentureLab@SLU. His ambition is to pass on his enthusiasm to students for “entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable life”.

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Various solutions for sustainable food production

Annie Drottberger is an enterprising doctoral student and teacher who is extremely passionate about utilizing research. At the Department of Biosystems and Technology at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) in Alnarp she is researching into how businesses in the horticultural industry specialising in vegetable growing absorb knowledge and innovations. In the long term it is about working together on various solutions in order to attain sustainable food production.

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With a vision to revolutionise forestry

AirForestry is the company with the vision to make forestry sustainable. AirForestry’s ground-breaking technology allows forests to be thinned from the air. This helps to preserve many of the forest’s values while solving some of the sustainability challenges that exist today.

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AB Svenska Stjärnor, founded by SLU Holding and five other Swedish university holding companies, announces that it has entered into a partnership agreement with the newly established investment fund Eir Ventures.

Svenska Stjärnor partners with the new investment fund Eir Ventures

AB Svenska Stjärnor, founded by SLU Holding and five other Swedish university holding companies, announces that it has entered into a partnership agreement with the newly established investment fund Eir Ventures. The partners aim to provide start-up companies with seed financing through a special investment vehicle within the fund.

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Micro-level food innovations

Professor Maud Langton´s research is focused on micro solutions for global challanges. This will be achieved through new knowledge about the significance of microstructures for new foods and important partnerships with entrepreneurs and industry.

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Magnus Rudolfsson. Photo: Andreas Palmér

New method reduces energy consumption in high-quality pellets production

At SLU in Umeå a group of researchers have developed a new way of introducing steam in fuel-pellet production. This is a new, patented method that radically reduces energy consumption during pelleting, whilst retaining the finished product’s quality.

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SLU Alnarp and Sparbanken Skåne Innovation Award 2023

Are you a Researcher, Student or Employee at SLU Alnarp and have an idea for a new product, service or method that can contribute to a more sustainable industry or society? Apply for the Innovation Award!

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A tasty degree project

Linn Tsang dreams of starting a company offering Swedish vegan ice cream made with protein from sweet lupin. She learned to extract protein during her degree project at SLU.

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Scam-free scampi!

Pär Svärdson, the entrepreneur who founded both Adlibris and Apotea, is investing in a sustainable fish-farming technology resulting from research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The first large-scale Swedish cultivation is being established at Östersjöfabriken in Västervik.

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Elin Röös. Photo: Christer Frånlund

Elin Röös – researcher focusing on sustainable food production, with a desire to see her research come to use

Elin Röös is researching sustainable food production and land use at SLU. Contributing current knowledge on the environmental impact of food, clarifying concepts and finding answers to difficult questions are what drive her. She is inspired by people who have the courage to speak the truth and are passionate about research coming to good use. Decisions must be based on knowledge; not half-truths or myths.

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SLU Holding AB investerar i Greensway Digital AB

Better eco-value assessments – SLU Holding invests in Greensway Digital

Greensway Digital AB has developed a digital solution for assessment of forests’ eco-value. The solution provides precise and user-friendly decision-making support ahead of sivicultural measures in the field of certified forestry.

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Reduced food waste with new measuring tool

Mattias Eriksson’s research focuses on how the food system can become more sustainable through reduced food waste. Even if it is not a technical problem but rather a matter of overconsumption at its base, Matthias’ hope is to use a new technical solution to provide commercial kitchens and restaurants with a tool which can effectively reduce food waste. But more will be needed. The problem of food waste requires political leadership and a real willingness to resolve the issue.

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Prize-winning SLU research produces more rice – with less impact on climate

Prize-winning SLU research produces more rice – with less impact on climate

A new, more climate-friendly rice produces higher yields while lowering greenhouse gas emissions from rice paddies. The rice can also thrive in a warmer climate. Associate professor Chuanxin Sun and his research team at SLU are behind the award-winning research that led to this climate rice.

“If this rice were to be grown globally, it could potentially mean food for 200 million more people, while reducing the carbon footprint by a corresponding 120 million cars,” Sun explains.

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Award winning idea keep track of saplings

Researcher and entrepreneur Jonas Bohlin likes honing his own ideas and trying them out in various exciting projects. With the innovation TreePlanterXY he combines new technology with old methods, to meet the demand for information in the field of forestry.

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