SLU Holding AB investerar i Greensway Digital AB

Better eco-value assessments – SLU Holding invests in Greensway Digital

Greensway Digital AB has developed a digital solution for assessment of forests’ eco-value. The solution provides precise and user-friendly decision-making support ahead of sivicultural measures in the field of certified forestry.

"We strongly believe in the team at Greensway Digital, and see great opportunities for the company to grow in other industries as well, e.g. in the fields of electricity infrastructure and power transmission," says Henrik Landgren, business advisor at SLU Holding AB.

"Through SLU Holding’s investment in the company we can develop the solution into a full-scale commercial product that works for our customers. The solution has been found, but the important thing is to make this digital solution work for bigger operations and data volumes,” says Greensway’s CEO Olof Widenfalk.

The team behind Greensway Digital has extensive experience of environmental and nature-conservation issues within the forestry industry. A big need has been observed within private companies for measurement and follow-up of eco-values. There may also be a need to quantify measures taken in the field of biodiversity.

"When it comes to our digital solution, consumers should be able to trace details of our customers’ environmental considerations. The measures should be traceable all the way back to the forest. Thanks to our current digital solution our customers have great possibilities in this context,” Olof Widenfalk explains.


About SLU Holding AB

SLU Holding's mission is to enable knowledge accumulated at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) to benefit society. This is in part achieved by supporting innovators and investing in young companies. SLU Holding makes approximately five new investments a year, and around the same number of follow-on investments in the existing holdings. Since starting, they have invested in 55 companies and are currently a minority shareholder in 25.

About Greensway Digital
Greensway Digital develops digital solutions for those who are engaged in various types of exploitation in the field of the environment, ecology and nature conservation and need to develop a well-founded basis for their decisions. The consultancy Greensway AB is the majority owner of the company. Its base is in Uppsala, close to universities and research, whilst several of its customers are to be found in the natural resource-oriented industries around the country. Read more at




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