SLU Holding AB investerar i Greensway Digital AB

Better eco-value assessments – SLU Holding invests in Greensway Digital

Greensway Digital AB has developed a digital solution for assessment of forests’ eco-value. The solution provides precise and user-friendly decision-making support ahead of sivicultural measures in the field of certified forestry.

Agneta Oskarsson och Johan Lundqvist, grundare BioCell Analytica

A new analysis technique for detecting health and environmentally-hazardous impurities in water - SLU Holding invests in BioCell Analytica

A new, unique measuring method from Sweden’s University of Agricultural Sciences has the capacity to both detect chemical impurities in the environment and measure the effects of known and health-hazardous substances. SLU has been following its work from the beginning and is now investing in the company BioCell Analytica AB, which aims to bring the method to a wider market.

SLU Holding investerar i Videquus. Foto:Stockphoto

An intelligent monitoring system for horses - SLU Holding invests in Videquus AB

Videquus provides security for horse owners. The company has developed a system that, with the help of a security camera, image recognition and AI, can learn to recognise a specific horse, automatically activating an alarm upon detection of a change in the horse’s health condition or abnormal behaviour. SLU Holding AB is now coming on board as co-owner of the company.

With the new digital measuring tool, horse owners can film their horses themselves in order to be able to early detect and measure lameness.

Hope for lame horses - SLU Holding invests in Sleip AI

A new digital measuring tool makes it possible to detect lameness in horses earlier and implement the right measures more quickly. SLU Holding AB invests in Sleip AI AB and the company's work to develop new digital solutions for better animal health.

Havredals mål mål är att inom fem år bidra till en väsentlig minskning av Sveriges CO2-utsläpp genom att få fler att välja växtbaserat . Foto: ©Havredals

New healthier foods – SLU Holding invests in Havredals

Havredals has its sights set on the future and develops healthy, plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products. SLU Holding AB is now investing in the company.

AB Svenska Stjärnor, founded by SLU Holding and five other Swedish university holding companies, announces that it has entered into a partnership agreement with the newly established investment fund Eir Ventures.

Svenska Stjärnor partners with the new investment fund Eir Ventures

AB Svenska Stjärnor, founded by SLU Holding and five other Swedish university holding companies, announces that it has entered into a partnership agreement with the newly established investment fund Eir Ventures. The partners aim to provide start-up companies with seed financing through a special investment vehicle within the fund.

SLU Holding investing in Leafymade. © Leafymade

SLU Holding invests in start-up company Leafymade

Leafymade AB develops sustainable materials that can replace plastics and paper in disposable products. With its investment, SLU Holding is providing the company with important capital and opportunities for new knowledge through collaboration with researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).

 - Leafymade is run by young and driven entrepreneurs,” says Henrik Landgren, Senior Innovation & Business Advisor, SLU Holding. “The products are exciting and the sales potential great. Our assessment is that there should be good opportunities for SLU researchers to contribute with their knowledge both in terms of development of product functions and the sustainability aspect.

Press Release - SLU Holding investerar i forskningsbolaget Resorbable Devices AB

SLU Holding invests in research company Resorbable Devices AB

Resorbable Devices AB is behind successful research in resorbable polymers. Under the leadership of founder Odd Höglund, the company has developed LigaTie®, a self-locking implant in resorbable material for safe and more effective surgery.

“The business concept and product LigaTie®, and the team’s expertise and determination convinced us of the company’s future potential,” says Urban Eriksson, CEO of SLU Holding. “Resorbable Devices AB exhibits all the signs of a successful company, which was why SLU Holding decided to invest.”.

Resorbable Devices AB has recently been awarded a local business prize for high growth potential and has additional products under development that are aimed primarily at urology use.

We are pleased and proud that SLU Holding has chosen to make this investment in Resorbable Devices AB,” says Odd Höglund, researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and founder of Resorbable Devices AB. “The company gives us expertise in business development, which is valuable in reaching out to the market. The investment in the company also means financing of the next step of the journey from research to market in which the manufacturing process is next to be validated.”

In the research field of resorbable polymers, Resorbable Devices AB collaborates with researchers from Uppsala University and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The company also collaborates with the medical device industry in both Uppsala and the US.

 © SLU Holding AB •     Ulls väg 29c, 756 51 Uppsala •  Phone: 018 - 67 25 35