Arne Fjälling. Foto: Tommy Harnesk/Ny Teknik

Transmoro – safe fishway creates more electricity production

Arne Fjälling is a researcher and innovator whose biggest interest in life is fish and their behaviour. For ten years he has been working on finding a solution that allows fish to pass hydroelectric power plants without any risk. The technical solution is a closed bidirectional Archimedes screw.

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Mats Söderström. Photo: Kristin Piikki

Meet Mats Söderström – researcher with a satellite perspective on environmentally friendlier cultivation

Mats Söderström, associate professor at the Department for Land and Environment at SLU in Skara, is the researcher behind CropSAT®. A digital service for precision cultivation that provides conditions for better harvests and less environmental impact. We interviewed Mats about his innovation journey on a sunny day in Skara.

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Growing strong

Alnarp Agroecology Farm is the story of four committed master´s students at SLU who started a small-scale farming business. Their purpose was to create a space where theory and practice would meet. The farm has become a vital educational tool and research facility and has also brought together members of the local community.

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Innovations Alnarp 2022

Resilient potato wins SLU Alnarp’s and Sparbanken Skåne’s Innovation Prize 2022

The researchers behind the winning project have developed a way of improving the quality of potatoes that fundamentally improves potato cultivation’s economic and ecological sustainability.

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IVA:s 100-lista 2022

Four innovative research projects from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) included in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences’ (IVA) 100 List

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) is now presenting this year's 100 List of research projects judged to have great potential for benefit through commercialisation, business development, method development or community impact. The focus of this year's 100 List is technology in the service of humanity.

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Havredals launches plant-based premium burger

Havredals launches plant-based premium burger and shapeable mince for hotels and restaurants

Havredals broadens its range, and launches plant-based mince and burgers, developed and produced in Sweden from plant protein and crops from Sweden and northern Europe.

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Grundarna av Ecotype

New capital lends momentum to Ecotype's forest innovation

SLU alumni Axel Ljudén and Albin Nyström will be receiving SEK 8 million for their startup Ecotype. Ecotype creates new solutions for forestry using various types of data and advanced algorithms. The aim is to make forestry easier, more efficient and more user-friendly for forest owners.

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SLU-forskare bakom nytt kvarkavaccin

A more effective vaccine against equine strangles is now being launched

The vaccine is based on many years of research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Karolinska Institutet.

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Congratulations Annika!

SLU Holding´s board member  Annika Bergman is awarded 2022 SLU Alumna of the year.

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Green Innovation Park Alnarp. Foto: Mårten Svensson

Green Innovation Park - focus on development of sustainable services and products

The old machine hall in the heart of the Alnarp campus has been given a new role. Sleeping Beauty has been awoken, with the establishment of a new hub for collaboration between researchers, students and business, emphasising development of sustainable services and products.

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Agneta Oskarsson and Johan Lundqvist, founders BioCell Analytica

Measurable cocktail effect with new method

Although BioCell Analytica was established in 2019, founders Agneta Oskarsson and Johan Lundqvist have worked together for much longer. With their diverse skill sets and keen interest in further research, they have developed a new, unique method that is capable of both detecting chemical pollutants in the environment and measuring the effects of known and harmful substances.

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Maria del Rosario García Gil - vinnare av SKAPAs innovationspris i Västerbotten.

SLU researcher wins innovation prize

This year’s winner of the SKAPA prize in Västerbotten county is Rosario García Gil, who has developed the vertical cultivation module Vertisá.

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Glada pristagare. Mats Söderström, forskare på SLU med övriga deltagare i projektet ”Target Y – Skördekartor för alla” fick ta emot SLU Skara och Sparbanken Skaraborgs Innovationspriset 2021 och Erik Öhlund och projektet ”Goati – tillsyn och hälsoanalys av betande djur” mottog SLU Skara och Sparbanken Skaraborgs Tillväxtpriset 2021. Foto: Anna-Karin Johnson

And the winner is...

‘Target Y - Harvest maps for all’ is the name of the winning entry in SLU Skara and Sparbanken Skaraborg’s first innovation award.

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Rosario Garcia Gil. Foto: Andreas Palmén

Vertical greening with the ability to absorb water from heavy rainfall

An interest in flora and fauna has taken Rosario Garcia Gil from Spain, to Finland, and subsequently to Umeå, where she works as a researcher in forest genetics. Over the course of 2021, her work and unique solution for vertical greening has garnered critical acclaim and awards. “As a researcher it provides a fantastic opportunity to participate and contribute to social development,” says Rosario.

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Agneta Oskarsson och Johan Lundqvist, grundare BioCell Analytica

A new analysis technique for detecting health and environmentally-hazardous impurities in water - SLU Holding invests in BioCell Analytica

A new, unique measuring method from Sweden’s University of Agricultural Sciences has the capacity to both detect chemical impurities in the environment and measure the effects of known and health-hazardous substances. SLU has been following its work from the beginning and is now investing in the company BioCell Analytica AB, which aims to bring the method to a wider market.

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Anders Kiessling. Photo: Linn Bergbrant

Entrepreneurship in aquaculture – no fishy business

As a researcher, Anders Kiessling, Professor of Aquaculture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), wishes to be influential and to contribute solutions to the challenges we are facing. Getting sustainable food production going in a cycle whereby unresolved problems are not passed on to the next generation is at the top of his list.

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Sarosh Ramachandra. Photo: Patrik Söderberg

Eko Grönovation – a growing business

Sarosh Ramachandra Bejai has carried out research at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and is the entrepreneur behind the company Eko Grönovation, which fills parts of Kungsängens Gård in Uppsala with fragrant herbs and medicinal plants in a proprietary hydroponic farming facility.

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Lina Strömstedt, Foto: Göran Ekeberg.

Meet Lina - Innovative researcher and new business advisor at SLU Holding

Lina Strömstedt, researcher and PhD in molecular geneticist in poultry genetics at SLU – is looking forward to her new job as a business developer at SLU Holding. Brilliant research at SLU and the potential in the field serve both as her inspiration and lodestar.

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SLU Holding invests in SolEdits.

Better potatoes and less use of pesticides - SLU Holding invests in SolEdits

At SolEdits AB, the business idea is to improve the properties of commercially interesting potato varieties. Behind the newly started company are researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), SLU Holding AB and Sveriges Stärkelseproducenter, an association of Swedish starch producers.

SolEdits is now investing in making the CRISPR genetic scissors available as a plant breeding tool for all stakeholders in the potato industry.

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With the new digital measuring tool, horse owners can film their horses themselves in order to be able to early detect and measure lameness.

Hope for lame horses - SLU Holding invests in Sleip AI

A new digital measuring tool makes it possible to detect lameness in horses earlier and implement the right measures more quickly. SLU Holding AB invests in Sleip AI AB and the company's work to develop new digital solutions for better animal health.

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Covid 19-vaccine, Foto:

Novavax creates a Covid 19 vaccine with knowledge from SLU

The American pharmaceutical company Novavax announces that their new vaccine has an 89% protective effect against covid-19. Phase 3 studies show that it also has a very good effect against the British variant of the virus. The vaccine includes adjuvants that have been developed from researched at SLU. The next step is the review for approval in the EU.

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Möt Lena Söderström, SLU Holdings nya ordförande

Meet Lena Söderström, the new Chairman of SLU Holding

With extensive experience from leading positions in life science and a burning interest in sustainable innovations, Lena Söderström now leads SLU Holding's Board.

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Plocka är årets Game Changer. Foto: Venture Cup

SLU students win Game changer of the year award

Axel Ljudén and Albin Nyström's app Plocka are the winners of Venture Cup business idea competition.

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Havredals mål mål är att inom fem år bidra till en väsentlig minskning av Sveriges CO2-utsläpp genom att få fler att välja växtbaserat . Foto: ©Havredals

New healthier foods – SLU Holding invests in Havredals

Havredals has its sights set on the future and develops healthy, plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products. SLU Holding AB is now investing in the company.

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