Congratulations Annika!

SLU Holding´s board member  Annika Bergman is awarded 2022 SLU Alumna of the year.

Annika is Managing Director at Hushållningssällskapet Halland, with a strong driving force for the green industries. She receives this award as she, by sharing her solid experience of business management and development, has raised leadership issues for the joy and benefit of many.

- Is it true? What an honour! SLU that means so much to me, says a surprised Annika Bergman during the announcement.

My education has given me joy and inspiration. My whole professional life is based on this and I am incredibly proud that my passion for the green industries has been able to embrace others, that I have been able to share this with them.

Annika doesn’t hesitate to roll her sleeves up and raise her voice about issues she feels are important, and has, among other things, made a lot of contributions for the betterment of female farmers. She started for example the group “Ruralista - green is the new black”, a network for women working in the green industry.

- The most important issue for me, which permeates everything, is that we build on Agenda 2030 in what we do. The three inseparable parts of sustainable development: the economic, the environmental, and not least, the social. The latter has made it natural for MeToo to have a prominent place. It’s about people, says Annika.

In addition to her engagement on several boards, such as Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Swedish Federation of Green Employers, SLU Holding, etc., Annika is partner at Elgesta Management outside Örebro, a farm with a focus on animal and crop production. She is also the owner and manager of AgroMind, a consulting company focusing on leadership and business development in the green industries.

As a good writer, she has also published many chronicles in ATL and Hallands Nyheter. Annika Bergman is the author of a book on leadership and communication in the small owner-managed companies within the green industries, ”Lust att leda, sig själv och andra” (The desire to lead, oneself and others). For students in the Lantmästarprogrammet today, Annika is a well-known profile as a lecturer in leadership.




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