Stöd vid forskningsansökan

Is it time for a new research project?

How can research results be utilised? Who can benefit from them and how?
SLU Holding collaborates with research groups to find answers to these questions through the utilisation services specified below.

LÄRARUNDANTAGET - Academic staff’s intellectual property rights

TEACHERS´ EXEMPTION (LÄRARUNDANTAGET ) - Academic staff’s intellectual property rights

Thanks to the Teachers´ exemption (Lärarundantaget), i.e. the exemption from employers’ rights to their employees’ patentable inventions, researchers/academic staff at Swedish universities and colleges of higher education are given the rights to their own research results.

Information on SLU’s sidelines from SLU’s website

Information on SLU’s sidelines from SLU’s website

SLU has simple and generous rules on sidelines. The basic rule is that sidelines are allowed. The rules we have come from Swedish law, with a local amendment regarding veterinary surgeons.
Sidelines must be registered if the employee or manager thinks there is a need to assess whether the sideline is appropriate on the basis of the rules set out in our guidelines. The HR department is responsible for the rules on sidelines.  

 © SLU Holding AB •     Ulls väg 29c, 756 51 Uppsala •  Phone: 018 - 67 25 35