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Nu har du möjlighet att söka anslag för att göra en marknadsvalidering av dina forskningsresultat. Genom ett samarbete med Vinnova kan SLU Holding erbjuda medel för att effektivisera processen för användning av forskningsresultat och idéer från forskare, studenter, anställda inom universitet, högskola och forskningsinstitut. Det handlar till exempel om marknadsanalys, nyhetsgranskning och teknisk verifiering. Ansökningarna behandlas löpande och sker i samråd med en innovations- och affärsutvecklare från SLU Holding.

Kontakta oss så berättar vi mer

Our Services

We are experts in helping research reach a market – and make a difference in society.
What market potential do your research results have? How to consider existing agreements and patents? With our services Sustainable business development, Surveying the market, Patents & agreements and Funding we support you all the way from research concept through to innovation


Our portfolio companies

SLU's research ranges from the big to the small – from climate change and rural development through to functional genomics? and biotechnology. Through us at SLU Holding many innovations and start-ups develop. A large proportion of the research results can quickly be applied to solutions sought after by the market. We currently have one portfolio company, for example, that is working on a new type of fat molecule that can reduce obesity, another that is working on garden environments in order to reduce stress and a third that is providing resorbable implants for veterinary surgery.


Student and wants to improve your CV?

SLU Holding offers the opportunity of advanced work experience whilst you are still studying. Do you want to make use of your training before graduation, at the same time as creating your own network? Then we think you should apply to become a Student Desktop Researcher (SDR). You will of course be paid for the work you do, and you can meanwhile enhance your CV with valuable experience.


Our Services

We are experts in helping research reach a market – and make a difference in society.
What market potential do your research results have? How to consider existing agreements and patents? With our services Sustainable business development, Surveying the market, Patents & agreements and Funding we support you all the way from research concept through to innovation

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Our portfolio companies

SLU's research ranges from the big to the small – from climate change and rural development through to functional genomics? and biotechnology. Through us at SLU Holding many innovations and start-ups develop. A large proportion of the research results can quickly be applied to solutions sought after by the market. We currently have one portfolio company, for example, that is working on a new type of fat molecule that can reduce obesity, another that is working on garden environments in order to reduce stress and a third that is providing resorbable implants for veterinary surgery.

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Student and wants to improve your CV?

SLU Holding offers the opportunity of advanced work experience whilst you are still studying. Do you want to make use of your training before graduation, at the same time as creating your own network? Then we think you should apply to become a Student Desktop Researcher (SDR). You will of course be paid for the work you do, and you can meanwhile enhance your CV with valuable experience.

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The SLU Holding Board of Directors is appointed by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
The Directors bring a broad range of experience to SLU Holding AB (ltd), from business, finance and the University.

Lena Söderström

Board Member of several Life Science companies

Hans Berggren

CEO Lyckeby Starch AB

Annika Bergman

CEO Hushållningssällskapet Halland

Christian Jönsson

Market area director,
Akademiska Hus

Christina Kusoffsky Hillesöy

Head of Sustainability, Länsförsäkringar

Anna Lundhagen

Pro Vice-Chancellor for Collaboration and Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, SLU

Göran Lundwall

Former CEO Almi Sweden

Christina Lunner Kolstrup

Dean at the faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

How do you want to utilize your research? Learn more about colleagus and who have put their research to good use ...


 © SLU Holding AB •     Ulls väg 29c, 756 51 Uppsala •  Phone: 018 - 67 25 35