Stöd vid forskningsansökan

Is it time for a new research project?

How can research results be utilised? Who can benefit from them and how?
SLU Holding collaborates with research groups to find answers to these questions through the utilisation services specified below.

Hur skydda ditt forskningsresultat

Protect your research results

When you are thinking about protecting your research results there are two considerations. The first one is how you can legally register your intellectual property rights as a researcher, and the second is how you should present and publish your research results.

SLU IP Policy

The University has a special responsibility to encourage, facilitate and safeguard the creation of innovations.
This policy clarifies SLU's general approach to employees' intellectual property rights, so far it is only available in Swedish.

How do we work together?

How do we work together?

As a researcher at a Swedish university you benefit from Teachers exemption (Lärarundantaget) - academic staff’s intellectual property rights, and thus have a unique opportunity to further develop your research results for the benefit of society. Taking an idea further in an innovation process is an exciting journey, and no two such journeys are the same. Thanks to the additional competence we have in our team and network, we can investigate and challenge your idea so that it is developed further, so as to be ready to become a service, product or process.

External expertise  - SLU Holding.

External expertise

An innovation process involves many parts. All of them require focus and expertise in order for an innovation to become a reality.
The originators – the researcher(s) – are often highly involved in, and focused on, the product or service that their research will one day lead to.
That goes without saying. But what about knowledge, focus and time as regards the other parts of the innovation process?

 © SLU Holding AB •     Ulls väg 29c, 756 51 Uppsala •  Phone: 018 - 67 25 35