Urban Eriksson, VD.

Urban Eriksson

   +46 (0)70 645 04 10
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Hi there Urban, CEO of SLU Holding! Could you tell us a little about your background?

I have a background in research, with a long career in industry and commerce. As far as education goes, I have a degree in forestry from SLU, an MBA in international business and a PhD in forest genetics. When it comes to experience, I have held several leadership roles in various companies and organisations where I have often been responsible for development matters. So development and innovations are things I’m especially passionate about!

What is the best thing about supporting and working closely with researchers?

Best is being able to create something new together – and especially if what you create is useful to society. Plus it’s a truly inspiring and creative environment, where I both provide and gain energy. New encounters are always exciting, and it’s great seeing researchers' creativity and ideas.

What makes SLU Holding unique?

What is unique about SLU Holding is that we work closely with academia and the business community in the green industry as well as other areas where SLU's expertise is in demand. We have diverse fields of expertise and types of experience within our team that complement the researchers’ knowledge. This along with our collaboration in a large network of various specialists makes us well prepared for our mission.

What is SLU Holding's mission?

Our mission and long-term goal entail contributing to both sustainable growth and positive societal development. The university’s third mission is to disseminate knowledge beyond the academic sphere. SLU Holding strives to enable SLU staff to accomplish this by commercialising or otherwise utilising their exciting ideas and research results. This means, among other things, providing advice and service to SLU’s researchers and students in areas such as intellectual property, project management, market verification as well as company and business development. Holding can also provide funding in the early stages.


Together with SLU, we create sustainable growth for attaining the UN’s Agenda 2030: Global goals for sustainable development.

You can read more about what SLU Holding can do for you here.


 © SLU Holding AB •     Ulls väg 29c, 756 51 Uppsala •  Phone: 018 - 67 25 35