SLU Skara and Sparbanken Skaraborgs Innovation Award 2021

Have you, or someone you cooperate with, taken part in a research project together with SLU i Skara? If so it might be worth your while to continue reading these lines. SLU Skara and Sparbanken Skaraborg hereby announces an Innovation Award for sustainable research projects aiming to benefit the green sector or the society at large.

Conniflex – the journey towards insecticide-free forestry

Conniflex – the journey towards insecticide-free forestry

Göran Nordlander and Henrik Nordenhem are behind the research idea that later became Conniflex – environmentally friendly protection against damage caused by insects, which in connection with SLU's 40th anniversary was awarded a prize as one of the three most successful innovations deriving from research at SLU in the University’s history. We interviewed Prof. Göran Nordlander about the whole process.

BioGaia - innovationen som är magens bästa vän


BioGaia is one of the three most successful innovations originating from the research carried out over SLU's 40 years of existence. Prior to the founding of BioGaia in 1990, there was intensive research into the lactic-acid bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri during the 80s, including at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala. Sven Lindgren, the PhD student Lars Axelsson and Walter Dobrogosz worked there, investigating how Lactobacillus reuteri could inhibit pathogenic microorganisms such as E. coli and Salmonella. The company BioGaia, which is based on their research, currently has an annual turnover in excess of SEK 500m.

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