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Per Bengtsson, Ceo Uppsala innovations Centre - SLU Holding Network

"UIC and SLU Holding have enjoyed successful collaboration that goes back many years. SLU Holding was a strong driver of the formation of UIC in 1999. SLU Holding is now the most important collaborating partner for business concepts arising at SLU.

We look forward to new ventures together as SLU Holding’s business incubator, in part together with Green Innovation Park.”



"SLU Holding brings expertise that is good for researchers and the industry.
For Agroväst’s part, we interact with academia, industry and society in developing agriculture, and it is often a matter of finding creative solutions.

Our latest joint projects led to a really successful solution for the researchers involved
– my assessment is that Holding's contribution was a key element of the excellent result.  
We look forward to the next project together."


Alice Larsson, Director at Lund University - SLU Holding Network

"VentureLab at Lund University is working to ensure students have the courage to push their business concepts. The collaboration VentureLab@SLU, initiated by SLU Holding, gives us and Lund University’s students a direct access to SLU’s expertise in green industries, and vice versa!

The aim is for the students at the two seats of learning to meet and use their different skills to develop the products and services of the future!"


Carl Henrik Ohlsson, ceo Skaraborgs Invest - SLU Holding Network

"Together with SLU Holding we’re cooperating in order to find synergies in startups within green industry.
Holding contributes expertise and advice concerning business development of interesting companies and ideas within SLU.

This is important to us at Skaraborg Invest, as we wish to invest in scalable and innovative companies in the county of Skaraborg. It is a young collaboration that inspires us and looks promising, as we are fully convinced that green industries are a future direction in Skaraborg."


Andre Johansson, Ceo Connect Sverige - SLU Holding Network

"SLU Holding constitutes a crucial part of the business development of green companies in Skåne, and we’ve established a very fruitful collaboration that has given rise to both organisations. CONNECT's process has a clear role in business development when companies need capital and expertise.

SLU Holding has a unique understanding of business in green industries, and together we’ve developed a collaboration whereby we enhance each other's processes for the good of the companies. We welcome the collaboration, and look forward to further cases so we can jointly develop them into successful startups."


 © SLU Holding AB •     Ulls väg 29c, 756 51 Uppsala •  Phone: 018 - 67 25 35