• Intelligent stängselsystem för nötdjur vann innovationspris

    Intelligent stängselsystem för nötdjur vann innovationspris

    FarmGuard, ett system som underlättar för lantbrukare att inspektera och underhålla stängsel för nötdjur är det vinnande bidraget i SLU Skara och Sparbanken Skaraborgs innovationspris 2023.

  • Time to nominate the next Bertebos Prize laureate

    Time to nominate the next Bertebos Prize laureate

    KSLA has the privilege of inviting prominent people and organizations to nominate candidates for the Bertebos Prize 2024. The Prize consists of SEK 400,000
  • Lyft för SLU i internationell hållbarhetsranking av lärosäten

    Lyft för SLU i internationell hållbarhetsranking av lärosäten

    SLU lyfter sig och är nu bland de 201-300 främsta bland 1591 universitet och lärosäten som utvärderas i The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023. För mål 2 – ingen hunger – hamnar SLU på plats 13.

SLU Holdings - Network

You are an expert in your field of research. SLU Holding's Innovation and business advisors are experts in developing and packaging research results so they meet a market demand. Together with our network we are creating the opportunity for your idea to be disseminated and used in society.

SLU Holding is active at both regional and national levels. We have built strong networks around SLU's operational sites – networks that we naturally open up to everyone we collaborate with, wherever they may be working.  SLU Holding is a co-owner of Uppsala Innovation Centre (UIC), which ranks as the world's fourth-best business incubator with links to a university. Together with UIC and other prominent innovation organisations, we make up Uppsala Innovations Hub. In Umeå SLU Holding is a partner in Uminova Innovation, in Skara we are collaborating closely with the food industry and in Alnarp we are working with the innovation cluster around Lund and green industries.

 © SLU Holding AB •     Ulls väg 29c, 756 51 Uppsala •  Phone: 018 - 67 25 35